Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm still a teenager

Time keeps breezing by, which is a good thing. There is always something to look forward to, something to accomplish, fix, settle, read, play, buy, check off the proverbial to-do list.
Time only goes by slowly when you're doing something you wish you weren't doing, and wish time would go by faster.
Such is life.

I'm not really sure what's going on in terms of the artistic direction of this blog. However, I feel like it is dangerously close to, if it hasn't already happened, becoming some sort of lamesauce diary thing. I'm not sure if my original goal of taking this thing in a substantially different and improved direction from my xanga is happening.

Thus, I will attempt to devise a few poems in an attempt at representing my life in an artsy fartsy way... gross.

Amazing Race, Friends
morning Chinese and job search
must gym routinely

Baseball is in the air
Mizzou had a good year
The lit journ class is au contraire
While traditional characters equal fear
New reebok cleats and cheap sunglasses
There's spilled apple juice in aisle six
Taking it as slow as molasses
Wait got to get my blockles fix
Poseidon, Korean BBQ, and Mexican Food
No water, Soccer momming, and naked game
Blues getting back into the playoff mood
New small group? AA to blame
Can't believe sophomore year is almost done
Upperclassmen and twenty something, no fun.

Looks up, expecting some kind of applause, or at least snaps.
Crickets Chirp.
Everything goes black.
World falls away.
Takes a few steps on an invisible boardwalk.

I was never good at rhythm.


D said...


amyy said...

hahaha sorry "AA to blame"

i give you mad ^^.

The Big L said...

You are making me feel guilty about my lamesauce diary.