Wednesday, March 6, 2013

worthy callings

For the first time in a year, I got the chance to visit my old college church this past Sunday. There was the expected joys of seeing familiar faces. There was the typical reminiscing about all the growing up, both literally and spiritually, that I had experienced at Newsong. And as so often happens, there was a message that was exactly what I needed, delivered because God knew it was what I needed to hear.

The quick hits version:

  • Whatever position/status that you've been called to be in, it's okay to be there. Just be there with God.
  • The Christian life can be lived by anyone, any where.
  • Don't change your life circumstances (assuming you do believe what you're doing is your calling) thinking that will improve your walk with God; there is no particular "status" that automatically allows someone to be closer to God.
  • We need to root our identity in Christ, not what we do for Him; we are not what we achieve.
  • We only know our specific calling through a robust relationship and communion with God.
I think the reassuring takeaway is that my current status as a law student doesn't have to be detrimental to my  relationship with God. Just because I can't go on a missions trip in the near future or feel called to serve in church leadership does not mean that my walk with God cannot improve and even flourish. We can all glorify God and be a light to others in our own ways, wherever our specific calling has us currently occupied.

1 comment:

studyhq said...

Excellent points man.

you said "don't change your life circumstances thinking that will improve your walk with God." i couldn't agree more. life circumstances are often what God uses to test and mold our faith, but so many times we want our circumstances to change for our own comfort. it's always great to know that no matter what is going on in life, Gods got our backs.