Wednesday, April 6, 2011


For a variety of reasons, I feel like I have been increasingly anti-social last quarter. It takes effort to initiate lunches and catch-ups, or even just small talk banter after certain events, and I think my overall busy schedule and subsequent tired nature has taken away from that.

But upon celebrating my 22nd (ew) birthday, I realized that this is the last quarter that everyone from UCI will all be around, and that made me pretty sad.

Here's to putting in quality time with good friends. Ptl.


studyhq said...

my gaosh, u really r a faithful blogger. i forgot google blog even exists. that said, be social.

Michael Fukuda said...

I'm surprised you didn't say "Cheers" at the end.

I felt that way last quarter too. Even right now. -_- It's depressing, but I'm slowly working my way out of that mentality! Whooooo!