Monday, May 24, 2010

LOVE, the whole campus singing along

Last year's spring quarter was a memorable time of fun--I seemed to just float through it all, lounging around in Aldrich Park during breaks, going to concerts, watching movies, all while doing decently well in school.

This spring however, I feel like I've been picked up by a slow moving tornado and whirled around town at a rapid pace. This tornado hasn't been moving too fast so as to kill me, but it does leave very little time to well, stop and smell the roses.


Being a coordinator for senior banquet 2010 was an opportunity of a lifetime, and I am so thankful to have gotten a chance to work with my fellow point leaders. Special shoutout to the Munster and Welcome Pet, you guys really stepped it up big time. I know this is kind of tumblresque, but I feel like Welcome Pet put it best:

"I've had so much fun working with everyone on banquet these past few weeks. It was pretty stressful but I never regretted it at all. Just seeing how everything was coming together and getting to know a bunch of you so well was an amazing experience for me and honestly, I'm going to miss it a lot. I really appreciate the time and effort that everyone gave and I think it really came out looking amazing. Awesome job everyone."

It's weird and very bittersweet being done with it all, but I know that besides all the amazing videos that I will re-watch again and again, I will come out of this experience with new and strengthened friendships, some xp in leadership and decision making, and even a few dance moves to boot. I'm also really glad it was this senior class that I got to honor, because I truly love a bunch of them to death. It's mind-boggling to think of myself as a senior so soon.


The softball season ended today on a disappointing note. I totally choked in the last inning, and George's huge hit was nullified by the ump giving the other team another inning. It's funny because in co-ed, we lost when the umpire took away an inning a bit prematurely. Still, it was a blast (as always) being able to play softball with a great group of guys and girls, even if attendance was much more difficult than in the past. Interestingly enough, we felt much more confident in our co-ed team at the beginning of the season, and we also felt really confident in this men's semi-final game at both the beginning of the game and after we took the lead in the bottom of the 6th.

Things don't always turn out like you anticipated, and that's part of life I guess. I'm excited to have some relative "downtime" for the rest of the quarter, and spend more one-on-one time with the big man upstairs. Lord knows I need it.

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