Monday, May 4, 2009


This quarter is breezing by, so I thought I'd stop and provide some things to remember. Specifically... some firsts in the life of me.

- Losing 6 straight softball games now... but still having fun through appreciating team camaraderie, and the love of the game.
- Actually. 3 of those losses were probably amongst the most depressing and ridiculously frustrating games of my life. I won't elaborate which ones.
- Spelling camaraderie three different ways before finally just googling it.
- Injuring my pinkie off a line drive from Yi Bu's bat. My left hand is now down to three perfectly functioning fingers.
- Directing a scene of a Mean Girls parody
- Driving to Santa Ana for a 35 minute sit down interview outside my comfort zone.
- Picking up Mr. Singh from the train station.
- Going down to San Diego in the morning and driving back that same night, running through the streets of downtown SD, sweating profusely in a federal office building, riding a dolphin, eating Board & Brew plus Jamba Juice, standing like a loser on traintracks, being a tourguide, and saluting an American flag made of flowers.
- Morning prayer at 7AM in the middle of Aldrich park
- Witnessing two ranked number 1 in the nation UCI teams.
- Getting lost in the music of Hillsong United
- Hearing Jaeson Ma. period.
- Eating xing ren dou fu that actually comes close to the xing ren dou fu my mom makes.

Pretty much what college is all about.


Jenny said...

who is this jaeson ma i keep hearing about?

amyy said...

- Spelling camaraderie three different ways before finally just googling it.

my favorite firsts, besides the ones that I got to experience with you firsthand! hahaha and I like the last one, omg you should try the newest batch.. i think its the winner of all winners, or maybe just because I ate it this enhances the taste?

and Jaeson Ma- AMAZZINGGG speaker. when did you hear him?

McLean said...

Aldrich Park at 7am. Must have been gorgeous.