Sunday, April 19, 2009

High School U

I have a chinese quiz at 8 AM tomorrow, history assignment due at 10 AM, and management midterm I feel kind of lost about on thursday, but I just felt the overwhelming urge to get something up on here. It's going to be a speedy blog because of the aforementioned commitments and watching Amazing Race earlier, so I am afraid I will have to skimp on any signs of good writing. This includes grammar, eloquency, and any form of flow or organization.

Schoolwork wise, I feel like high school all over again. Every morning struggling like crazy to wake up at 7 something, staggering to school in a disheveled state, and turning in homework for every single class.

But whereas freshmen year was much different from high school academically, in all other facets of life I was pretty much stuck in high school and my SD life. Now, I feel like I'm headed in this new and right direction. My goal since winter break and this blog's birth has been forward motion, moving to become better as a person, and a more positive college experience. Not to say that I've abandoned my high school life or memories, but I feel like there have been more steps in the right direction in the areas of my life that needed change.

I haven't gone back home to SD yet this quarter, and I feel like I'm getting more and more connected with UCI. I mean it's a slow process, but I am ecstatic over the new friendships and activities that have occupied my life.

- This weekend, I got to go to Skid Row in downtown LA for a streetcorner message in the midst of the homeless. We passed out food and clothes and it was just an unbelievable experience. Not only was the message one of the best I've heard, but to just be thrust in such a radically different place with the LA skyline in the background.... something I'm really glad I got to experience.
- I had the honor of playing keyboard/synth for Singy at his home church. It was my first time playing with a modern worship band, and even though I didn't do that well, it was sweet just being up there on stage with the guys, praising God with a setlist that I was quite fond of.
- I have been challenged to lead a small group for next year. It's something I really have to pray about, among other things. Basically pray for me that I have a more effective and steady prayer life.
- If you were to ask me at the end of freshmen year if I had met any best friends in Irvine, I would have had to say no. I mean the whole concept of "best friends" is a label I don't like to dish out much, to avoid complications, but as this year progresses, I have pretty high hopes that I've developed some really strong bonds with people here. Friends I will be "inviting to the wedding," like Singy put it. People that no matter how often you hang out with and see on a day-to-day basis, you never get sick or tired of hanging out with them. People you can have deeper conversations with, but at the same time always have a good laugh with.
Its muy bueno. Don't even have to incur any two hour penalties along the way.


lucy said...

this is nice although i feel foolish for having sent you the link that i did when you were writing it

Captain said...

"friend I will be inviting to the wedding" is exactly what I hoped to gain out of college. I feel ya.

Captain said...

friends*.. sorry lol.

Jenny said...

proud of ya mister :)
sophomore year's been great for me too.. HUGE learning experience, but goood one
and yes.. totally cool finding the friends i will be inviting to my wedding ... who will be the same people i'll probably share and serve the rest of my life with :D

amyy said...

hahaha I like how you poured out your insecurities for next year. But I really think that if you wanted to, you could def lead a small group. I have faith in you.

and on another note, haha I better be one of those friends you're ecstatic about HAHA jk jk. I'm probably the friend that you get sick of. but anyway, I like how each year does tend to bring something new and radical. I think this year is most def a year of change for the better.

D said...

hi, this is your 6th comment. you're soo popular and also i really like your thoughts and stuff. you owe me a chicken sandwich.
oh no.

D said...

why am i such an asshole? not that it's a bad thing.