Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 11: Home Sweet Home

I'm safely back on American soil here at the Seattle-Tacoma airport, sitting next to a giant wall of windows with rocking chairs in the front row, waiting for my connection to San Diego. The spot looks familiar to me; either I happened to pass by the last time I was in Seattle (which was in middle school), or this is the location of that classic scene from Up In the Air.

I'm grateful for the time I had in China. I'd like to think that my Chinese speaking ability and overall life maturity has benefited decently in these 11 weeks. I'd like to think I have an increased comfort level with doing things on my own, including traveling to new places, which I had never done before. And yet, I will miss the company of my grandmother, who stuffed me with food whenever possible and gave me umbrellas even when it wasn't raining. I will miss looking at a price and dividing it by 6.3 and feeling better about the purchase, but I won't miss looking at Mao's face on every single bill.

But oh my goodness it is nice to be able to type on a computer without accidentally switching on the Chinese pinyin mode. Thank you guys (all seven of you) for reading along during my time here. I look forward to seeing all of your faces very soon.

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