Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: The Year That Was

Twenty-eleven is the first year in a while that I can look back at and say, "Yeah, it's been a long year." Usually I'm in disbelief that it's already the next calendar year, but for a variety of reasons, 2011 felt like a complete year, in a good way.

A quick rundown of times to remember, with apologies at any momentarily forgotten moments.

- My last Edge retreat (Jeff Lee's posse)
- WWKDDMTAP (and maybe a few other things)
- BWAM Boise (the first)
- UCI vs. UCLA baseball (walk-off at Jackie Robinson)
- Graduation (four celebratory meals in two days)
- The last shining moments in 122 (probably never to be replicated)
- Mammoth (a return to the joys of fishing)
- A LV 4th of July (no photographic evidence of the men)
- LSAT studying (Blueprint, not leaving the house much)
- LSAT taking (unfortunate borderline score, fortunate no retake)
- Applications (round two)
- The birth of Zotcubed (thanks for the readership)
- Cardinals Winning the World Series (Phillies, Brewers, David Freese Game 6)
- Boston (Lechmere, Dunkin' Donuts, Scarves and hats)
- Black Friday madness (madness, i tell ya)
- UCLA (third time's a charm)
- Pujols leaving (sad days)
- Finding my first full-time job (get money, get paid)

Thanks for the good times 2011. You were a year to remember.

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