Monday, January 17, 2011

immediate post-retreat thoughts

Going into this retreat, I knew it was going to be different from before because of the workload I had to take care during the weekend. Throughout Friday and Saturday, this distanced me somewhat from the usual "hang out" times and free time that I usually took for granted. Then on Sunday, we were packed with practicing and such, and so I feel like I didn't get to SEE people as much as I wanted to. But moving on to other things...

Reminders to remember:
Spreading seeds indiscrimantly
Dancing like David, "I will be less esteemed than this!"
Radical doesn't necessarily mean large actions, but instead large effect
Renouncing and severing
Strength, beauty, and power in community
Rejuvenation and rest in him
We don't do the work
Not just forgiveness, but blessing that individual
Tears of joy
Being in tune with the holy spirit
Glimpse of eternity

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