Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Resolved: That it is worse/harder for the cool roller coaster to break down right before you're about to go on it for the first time, then to be sorely disappointed by a hyped up roller coaster that didn't turn out that great.

Also, this extended weekend was definitely the last shabang of summer school summer.
Childhood couches, revolving sushi bars (inari), loaded questions (mistaken someone for Diane), Irvine dim sum (ginger tofu dessert), hw cramming (torture), Silent ninja (getting hit in areas other than my hands), Stories about Anne (no no no!), Target (1 day too late axe/mikeykoo), Iron Chef (hawaiian chicken, red pepper salad decorating), and 9 person karaoke (can't take my eyes off of you, two words: jason chung).
Definite Priceless stretch.


D said...

[thumbs up image] Diane Ly likes this.

Captain said...

agreed. with both you and D.

+ newfound appreciation for jersey sheets.

MWen said...

You forgot...

1. Loaded Questions
- Being next to Diane
- Morningwood


3. Bump, Bump, Bump

amyy said...

you also forgot...
egyptian war.

and epic web camming with yibz.
