It's okay he can't form sentences, he's only one years old!
It's okay he isn't potty trained, he's only two years old!
It's okay he can't read, he's only three years old!
The excuses of youth continue for a surprisingly long time. Even into your twenties, people have somewhat low expectations of recent college graduates. Even after law school, people have low expectations for those who are just starting out in their careers.
The built-in excuses and low expectations sunset somewhere around age 30 though. At that point, you aren't expected to be at the height of your career, but you're expected to at least have a career. Maybe you don't own your own property, but people generally start expecting you to not live at home with the parents anymore.
Heading into my age 30 year, it's something I've been thinking about. We're not old, but we're not in our youth either. We're somewhere in-between, and life starts coming at you real fast.
I'm not all that sure that this prelude is a fitting intro for my annual year-end recap (which is what this started out as). More than anything it comes across as general melancholy, which is not an apt encapsulation of my 2018, so I'll stop here for now.
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