Saturday, August 10, 2013

the father-son relationship

There aren't many movie scenes that make me tear up, but without a doubt this is one of them.

The father-son dynamic is a powerful and deeply-rooted component of any man's core. For sons, it's invaluable to step back every now and then and really be appreciative of everything your dad's done for you, even if you don't always see eye-to-eye. For fathers, it's important to remember how much your approval and simply being proud of your son means to him.

1 comment:

studyhq said...

i often relate the father-son relationship on earth with the one we have with our Father. they are quite similar. the difference is that He is the omnipotent, perfect father who raises His children perfectly. its also important that we recognize His perfection, otherwise we may confuse the qualities of our fathers' imperfections with His perfection. this helps me appreciate my earthly father much more.