Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sociology Research Ideas

Things I've wondered about and would research if given the opportunity...

I. The effect of your placement in terms of your siblings (i.e. only child, youngest daughter of 3, oldest brother of 4, twins etc etc), and also factor in age differences

II. The effect of the spring time on blooming romances (i.e. the warming of the weather, the pleasantness of spring blossoms, the time of the school year)

III. The effect of your interests relating to where you grew up, and what your parents interests are

Copyright Dvdgao, 2010


amyy said...

I can help with your answer to number 1. Being the youngest daughter of 3 makes you pretty awesome..just gotta throw that out there. :)

Michael Fukuda said...

I like #2. Do that one first.

Careful, David. It's spring time..


btw. I now have a blog. Yay for alliteration.