Monday, February 15, 2010

notes from a conversation

After writing ~20 pages in the last week or so, I am unfortunately going to keep it to bullet points once again. Here are some things that stood out and that I agreed with from a conversation I had on this lovely Chinese News Year and Valentines Day night.

- As male leaders, we sometimes need to be able to be honest and not always present this warm unabrasive conversation that gets nothing done.
- "Chatting" is time better spent than regular time wasted, because at least it is towards a relationship.
- Be careful of using "God's plan" or "what God was trying to show me" as a crutch for past issues
- Have confidence in new things and your own ability to do them; better to try out and go for it and not make it then be too paralyzed by fear and keep it safe
- Sometimes, it is necessary to take risks by doing something whatever it is that seemingly does not make sense. This usually results in being vulnerable in order to love others.

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