In the Music World...
Last night's Blink 182/Weezer concert was like I had always imagined, sans the horrible traffic and the stunningly good looking company. I don't think it even sunk in that I was witnessing freakin Weezer and bloody Blink 182 until after the concert. Highlights: Rivers' dance moves, shouting out Burndt Jamb, holding up the weezer sign, Tom's banter and whiny voice, Travis' sheer awesomeness rotating around the sky, Blink's band moment, and of course, Mark Hoppus still being the best. Like Halloween on Christmas.
It was indeed the perfect last shabang of Summer, 2009.
And now, there are new albums from Muse, Relient K, Switchfoot, Weezer, and Phil Wickham to look forward to. Wowzers.
In the Sports World...
The Cardinals are entering the playoffs, and with that the hopes and joys of the playoffs and hopefully a return to the World Series. The Rams are starting up a new season, and with that the fears and dissapointment of another embarassing campaign. I mean... hopes and joys of a clean slate. The Blues are starting up soon as well, and with that the promise of seeing them in Anaheim with a good chance to actually win this year. College football is back, and with that the confusing and unfamiliarity of the BCS and a new generation of Mizzou Tigers. And justtt a little bit off on the horizon is college basketball, and with that the triumphant glory and utter brilliance that is UCI basketball.
In Dvd's World...
Summer 2009 was not quite what I expected in some ways, but looking back now I would have to say it was a satisfactory success. Like a lot of things in my life, it really picked up in the end, what with grades turning out for the better, the founding of turtle rock vista apartment 122, ELC in Hesperia (a reminder to love radically and with risks), and the slow but sure process of creating friendships that I will cherish for a long time. God's plan never quite develops quite like what we had in mind, but the reassuring thing is that He knows what He's doing. I find that any initial fears or worries are not only taken away, but in the end improved for the better.
There may only be a week left before classes start, but the beautiful thing is, it only gets better from here. In the words of the immortal Keisha Phillips, Let's do this like Brutus!
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