So I have been MIA on here because I have been focusing all my writing brainstorming efforts on my sports column for the New University. Here are my two columns so far, in case you, random reader, are interested.
In other news, I have come to a realization about avoiding situations. Namely, that it is not the right way to go about things. For example, as a kid, when we had to get tests signed, and I got a bad grade, I would wait until the last possible day to get the test signed, just because I was scared of my parents scolding. My thought process was basically "hey, if I can avoid it for a few extra days and pretend like I haven't gotten my test back, let's do it!". Basically, I was a coward.
Ashamedly, I still do that in some ways to this day. When I get a test score back on a test that I don't think I did very well on, I'll often times not check for a few days, out of some stupid fear. "Ignorance is bliss" or something like that.
I have now realized that I should just check right away, and in general, address issues as soon as possible. Sure it may be more unpleasant in the short run, but waiting and avoiding in no way can make the situation better. At least if I get something over with, I can start on the path to correction or improvement sooner.
In other words, I'm going to start manning up. Face consequences, get stuff done, sacrifice the easy way out in the short run to do what's right in the long run.
And now, back to thinking up a column idea for next week.
1 comment:
the fact that you still write here...i applaud you. how do you do it??
haha you were like that in high school. way to be bold and make the change gao. God bless you.
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