Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sociology Research Ideas

Things I've wondered about and would research if given the opportunity...

I. The effect of your placement in terms of your siblings (i.e. only child, youngest daughter of 3, oldest brother of 4, twins etc etc), and also factor in age differences

II. The effect of the spring time on blooming romances (i.e. the warming of the weather, the pleasantness of spring blossoms, the time of the school year)

III. The effect of your interests relating to where you grew up, and what your parents interests are

Copyright Dvdgao, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Full House

You know how when you have something huge coming up like the AP test in high school, that day becomes ingraved in your mind as the ultimate doomsday or day of infamy? Like when the day finally arrives, it's a sinking feeling in your stomach just because of how long you've dreaded it. But then maybe you decide to drop that AP test, and the day kind of disappears from your mind. When the day comes, it's like "whoa", today would have been the day...

Monday, February 15, 2010

notes from a conversation

After writing ~20 pages in the last week or so, I am unfortunately going to keep it to bullet points once again. Here are some things that stood out and that I agreed with from a conversation I had on this lovely Chinese News Year and Valentines Day night.

- As male leaders, we sometimes need to be able to be honest and not always present this warm unabrasive conversation that gets nothing done.
- "Chatting" is time better spent than regular time wasted, because at least it is towards a relationship.
- Be careful of using "God's plan" or "what God was trying to show me" as a crutch for past issues
- Have confidence in new things and your own ability to do them; better to try out and go for it and not make it then be too paralyzed by fear and keep it safe
- Sometimes, it is necessary to take risks by doing something whatever it is that seemingly does not make sense. This usually results in being vulnerable in order to love others.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

one of those weeks

beginning today ending friday, the 12th...
- 2 intramural basketball games
- UCI game
- New U production
- Super Bowl
- Worship team app
- EIC Platform
- sister appreciation weds
- 2 essays due thurs
- midterm thurs
- essay due fri
- commotion fri