Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunflower Seeds

First off, props to JGao on the new photo. Even though it took way longer than it should have.

During last finals week, I was up late studying and instead of energy drinks or coffee, I had a bag of salty sunflower seeds. They became addicting, and the salt somehow pruned my fingers, while my tongue shriveled up. Whether it was the sodium levels, or the mechanical flow of the crack, flick, and crunch, I didn't get tired at all staying up super late studying for boring topics.
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Instead of life is like a box of chocolates... Girls are like a bag of sunflower seeds, you never know what you're going to get.
On the exterior, for the most part, all girls are the same. Decently friendly, dressed nice, incapable of farting. All the seeds are salty, crisp, and gray. But when you go a bit deeper...

- The plain jacked up
The few that are cracked with scarred holes in the shell, half the seed has disappeared, and you have no idea how a sunflower seed can even taste like this. Sometimes, they manage to be still normal tasting. Other times... well. Approach these at your own risk.

- The run of the mill
On the interior, the majority of the seeds are ok, about what you expect. Decently courteous, can hold conversation for awhile. Pleasant, nothing to object about.

- The naked
There are a few random ones without shells, and at first your eyes light up because hey, no work needs to be done. An easy treat. But then you realize the flavoring is a bit weird and its been over saturrated and exposed. I mean, anyone can just come along and eat these seeds without shells and not do any work for them. This is probably also why this variety is more expensive (by the bag).

- The blindsiding rotten.
The type that seems fine on the outside, just like your run of the mill sunflower seed, but on the inside is for some reason, rotten. These are the nastiest things ever. A sour taste takes over your mouth, and you wish you never would have even started eating these blasted unreliable excuses for snacks.

- The cream of the crop, diamond in the rough.
It tastes as if it has been slowly roasted and bursts with richness. The flavor to size ratio is out of this world. But there is absolutely nothing on the outside that gives away what lies inside.

(if you're reading this, you are probably in the last category :)


D said...

you bet i've been slowly roasted!

lucy said...

Men are like the drive test. One can miss up to 13, but there are a few auto-fails. But missing 13 does not guarantee for a smooth ride; the more one misses, the higher chance of accidents (perhaps fatal, even).