I have realized why I appreciate the role players, bench guys, and singles hitters more than the average baseball fan. Because in a certain sense, I am a slap hitter.
I'm never going to have that sweet Ken Griffey Jr. home run swing, or that perfectly balanced, completely even swing of perfection that is Albert Pujols. I'm like a mix between David Eckstein and his .250 avg and Ichiro and his .350 in that I'm not quite as successful or quirky as Mr. Suzuki, nor am I so short and limited in natural prowess like Mr. 2006 World Series MVP. I'm somewhere in between. Some of that quirk, some of that making do with a skinny frame and a weaker arm.
In the end though, even if I did have that home run pop, swinging for the fences makes me uncomfortable. Besides having cool names, Jack Cust and Russell Branyan are able to mash that homer every now and then, and it's pretty impressive. It's also instant gratification. But they also strike out a lot more. And even though they get that run across the board, there is nothing for the offense to build on. It's every man for yourself.
So I'll keep on building rallies. Sac bunting here, stealing a base there. Smart baserunning, sound baseball fundamentals. I might not score everytime. But it's alright. I'll be concentrating on building those rallies. It is, after all, how we won that softball championship.
. . .
Life isn't bad being on the backburner. This simmering provides a nice constant heat, and is completely necessary for the proper development of the meal. In any case, being on the stove is a lot better than being in the trash can. Or sitting on top of a disgustingly rotten (to the point of juices instead of meat) year-old fish in a neglected refridgerator drawer. But I just hope that the pot doesn't get forgotten on the backburner. Don't want to reach the point where all the soup has evaporated and it's just really chewy, hard, inedible pieces of pai gu left in the pot. No, the meat must be added to the meal at the right time. And then it will be delicious.
DGao soup?!
Random: I like how you mock me for not reading your blog, and yet you do not even follow me on mine!
in other news, you made me really want soup!
The title of this one doesn't do it justice.
I have to give you mad props on this one.
one time i tried cooking korean soup and i put the meat in before the water was boiling and the water turned red from the meat blood. it was gross. make sure the water's boiling! or else your soup/life will turn out bloody.
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