a: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b: a virtue coming from God c: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace2 a: approval, favor
To elaborate on my "getting lost in hillsong" point from last post... I did not go to the concert that everyone went to a while back, which I realize is what it sounds like. I've just been listening to them a lot on my computer. I've always been more of a Phil Wickham/Starfield type over Hillsong, probably based on musical reasons. (Side note about this: lyrics are important, but how a song connects with you musically is equally important. There's a reason God gave humans the gift of music. Imagine how bland life would be without it.) But last night I was just listening to Hosanna and The Stand over and over again while praying, and probably combined with listening to Grace by Phil Wickham earlier, it just hit me. I've been so blessed in my life, particularly of recent years... and I don't really deserve any of it. In exchange for everything God has provided me, I was stagnant with my faith, keeping him on the backburner, and thinking I could do everything myself. How ignorant and stupid of me to be presented with this knowledge all of these years and yet not truly be moved to action. How indebted and ungrateful I've been. It made me pretty sad.
I must stop expecting things like I deserve them.
I pray for dawn a new day to live
I pray for mercy only Jesus gives
Though darkness falls and a million cry
I believe overall there’s a greater light shining for us
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