Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guest Starring: The Killers

First off, we'd like to thank Dgao who was so kind to give us this opportunity to make a guest apperance on his fabulous blog. Frankly, we are honored to be here, and thought this would be a golden chance to release some of the lyrics we are working on for our next album.

I'm just trying to get by, trying to get far
but someone whispered that
You had a babysitter
who looked like a fastball sitter
that i saw in the September before last

I've got heart, but I'm not a heartbreaker
I've got heart, but I'm not a heartbreaker
Because I'm leaving the stage
and i'm jumping too well
Now he's calling my name
and it's really a shame
it was only a hug
it was only a hug
how did it end up a pug

Well he doesn't swing a thing like Albert
But he skips like a president
like you thought of when you were five
(skips like a president)
(like you thought of when)
you were bold
when you... were bold

Can't you just walk with me
Can't you just hold my hand
It's what's expected
Can't you just trim my hair
Can't you just clip my nails
It's what's expected

Are we aliens or are we prancers?
Are we aliens or are we prancers?


D said...

oh my god. you actually did it.

dgao said...

yeah... it was one of those things i just kind of wanted to do because i figured it was so easy to do. But now afterwards it's not so cool or fun to read.
hopefully the next guest appearance will be better.

studyhq said...

i totally forgot that blogspot existed. i just read all your entries in one sitting. i cannot express what i wanna say in words, but its good stuff. we shall talk soon.

word verification: grant