Friday, December 5, 2008


I had a thing of blackberries for dessert today. After eating a couple, I decided to sprinkle some sugar on top. Still slightly wet from my dousing of water to clean off any unwanted pesticides, the hefty dose of sugar I liberally dumped melted beautifully together with the plump berries. I slowly lifted the main berry of choice above my mouth, positioning it in such a way that all of the sugar would hit my tongue first, so that the instantaneous burst of sweetness would be at its maximum.

It was salt.

Sputtering to the sink, I tried to spit out the overpowering...saltiness as fast as I could. Still, the berries were quite sweet enough without any added sugar afterwards.

Funny how that works out.


Linda Noh said...

soo deep it's trippy

studyhq said...

I think this may be too deep for me. Interesting story, though.

lol the word i have to type in for word verification is "wirepast." what could that possibly mean??