Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No More Sundays in Gateway Commons

Sitting here in the New U Office for the last time is pretty surreal.

As a freshman, I had disparaging first impressions about the paper, its size, and its layout. I thought that my time with the paper was over, but when I found out how available certain articles were, I couldn't help but jump in. I still won't forget my first interview at UCI, with 6'7 Darren Fells and Scott Roeder's fancy camera equipment. As a freshman I got to write stories on both Fells and Patrick Sanders, the two star players on the basketball team, and after that I knew I had to keep writing, if only on the side.

Moving into sophomore year and the drama of deciding on a major, I got to cover my first men's basketball game (at Fullerton late in the season no less), as well as write stories on two more of my favorite players - Kevin Bland and Rebecca Maesson.

As a junior, I went into becoming Sports Editor with a vigor and an excitement. I had a solid number of supporting writers, and I was happy with what we were able to do in terms of quality control and different features. The lovely DLy kept me company every week, while Melk Man came through with reliable coverage every week. Loquacious Lumbchops captained the ship well, even if he says he didn't know what the heck he was doing at first. At first, although I enjoyed my time with the New U, I thought about moving on in my senior year so as to free up my Sundays. But as the year went on, I realized that I cared too much about the paper, too much about UCI, to simply let go.

I never thought coming in that I would become EIC of the New U, but what a humbling blessing it has been. I do not think of myself as a natural vocal leader, and I do not think of myself as a powerful public speaker, but somehow we've made it through the year. Obviously, I couldn't have done anything without the talents of my awesome team. I've been extremely lucky to have TGL by my side. And last but not least, I can't thank TLou enough for never wavering in providing encouragement and support every time I'm stressed or tired, keeping me company on all those late Sunday dinners when every place in Irvine is closed.

While I now happily leave the New U and UCI, it's weird to think that I will no longer have those 12 hour Sundays. It's been one heck of a run.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

work weight

I now realize why people gain weight in adulthood.

When you're sitting at a desk for extremely long hours in a day, the only thing you can look forward to is eating a delicious lunch and/or dinner. Or, it's a potluck day at work and you spend the entire workday munching on unhealthy snacks. All of this is compounded by the fact that you're sitting at your desk like a sloth, only moving your fingers, whispering quietly to yourself.

And now, back to work at the New U. I can't wait for lunch.